To understand the the experience for users like Monique, of budgeting and saving with the tools initially available to them, we created a journey map to identify pain points and the key opportunities. When limited to using her banking app, Monique lacked the ability to understand how much she was saving per month, the categories of her spending, and how saving towards certain goals such as a vacation would affect her overall budget. With Monique’s many responsibilities, the lack of support in managing and planning her budget led to a feeling that she lacked control of her finances.
This led us to generate the following questions:
HMW allow busy users with many responsibilities to keep track of their spending to provide them with a sense of control?
HMW facilitate saving funds for budget conscious users so that they can meet their saving goals in a timely manner?
I developed a user flow to get a clear idea of all the paths a user could when signing up with the app and checking their budgets, as well as getting an idea of all the screens we would need for our wireframes.
For proof of concept and user testing, we created a clickable Figma prototype using our high fidelity wireframes. The prototype demo-ed the applications onboarding process, key functionalities, and navigation systems.
If you like what you see and want to work together, get in touch!