We conducted 5 semi-structured interviews with users, targeting users who had experience ordering meal kits or groceries online. Our goal was to gain insight into their experiences, identify pain points, points of satisfaction as well as their motivation for using those services. To organize our findings we recorded our interviews, took extensive notes, and highlighted key points. We went on to organize our findings through empathy and journey maps. We each created ones for the interviews we conducted individually, and then consolidated our findings into master versions:
Our journey mapping process helped us to generate the following How Might We (HMW) question:
HMW help busy and health-conscious users create meal plans and order the relevant ingredients, in a time efficient way that reduces meal planning stress and facilitates maintaining a healthy diet?
We conducted a competitive analysis taking an in depth look at 4 competitors, 2 in the meal kit space (Blue Apron and Good Food), and 2 that support online grocery order(Instacart, & Door Dash). We identified strengths, weakness and opportunities for each as well as noting observations on their design, UX and content.
We developed a user flow to get a clear idea of all the paths a user could take when interacting with our design, as well as getting an idea of all the screens we would need to build for our wireframes.
Here are the completed medium fidelity wireframes. These incorporated all feedback from user testing, addressed the user needs identified in research, as well as addressing the business targets we identified as a team in relation to the client's brief.
We were able to find an effective solution for adding the ability to order meal ingredients to Freshly Chopped's app, in a simple and effective way. Our solution met the needs and feedback we had gathered through user interviews, while also prioritizing the company's business goals. We received very strong feedback for our work. In retrospect we could have been more precise with some of our business KPIs, and set metrics that could be followed more concretely.
If you like what you see and want to work together, get in touch!